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Malignant Hyperthermia: Cutaneous Blastomycosis- tape
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Cystgurgle // Putrid Stu: Documentaries of Necrophagia- split cd
Haemorrhage: The Forensick Files- CD
Pharmacist: Forensic Pathology Jurisprudence (Extended Jurisdiction)- CD
Melancholy Pessimism: Shut Up, Give Up and Obey- CD
Pharmacist: Forensic Pathology Jurisprudence (Extended Jurisdiction)- tape
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Sulfuric Cautery: Chainsaws Clogged With The Underdeveloped Brain Matter Of Xenophobes- tape
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Golem of Gore // Putrid Stu: split- tape
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Cystoblastosis // Deterioration: split- tape
Fluids: Not Dark Yet- tape
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Pharmacist // Golem of Gore: split cd
69 Squad: Sublime Perversion- CD
Cryptic Rising: Elegies of Repugnance- CD
Hallucination Realized // Redundant Protoplasm: split- CD
Impetigo: Live Total Zombie Gore Holocaust- CD
Pancreatite Necrotic Hemorragica: Old Rotten Symphonies To Infest Rotten Ears- CD
Murder Rape Amputate: The Ramifications of Doubled Abomination- CD
Cannibe: Sacrificio Umano- CD
Hymen Holocaust: The Death King- CD
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Cock and Ball Torture: Sadochismo- CD
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Gaffed: Die Already- CD
Cystic Embalmment: Folklore de Fond D’ègout
Anthropic: End of the Bloodline- CD
Massacred: Assembly of Slaughter- CD